Effect of different levels of Irrigation on the Growth and Yield of Rhodes Grass (Chloris gayana L. Kunth.) under the Agro-Climatic Conditions of Multan, Pakistan

Imran Arshad    
Nazeer Hussain Shah    
Clea Anne E Vallejera    


In a replicated field trial the effect of different levels of irrigation viz. (I1 = 5 days, I2 = 10 days, I3 = 15 days, I4 = 20 days, and I5= 25 days) on a different Rhodes grass varieties, was investigated on a sandy clay loam soil during the year (2017 - 2018) in available agro-ecological conditions of Dogar Agricultural Farms in Multan, Punjab ? Pakistan. The results showed that the treatment I2 (irrigation interval 10 days) gives the overall higher yielding results for all the economic parameters and Fine cut, was the most suitable variety for this treatment which produced highest (7.09 ton/ha/cut) dry fodder yield per hectare per cut. The maximum plant height (138.58 cm), tillers / plant (2.38), leaves / tillers (11.19), leaf area (339.37 cm2), and green fodder yield (24.71 ton/ha/cut) respectively. However, the other Rhodes grass varieties showed less yielding results for all the agronomic parameters for different irrigation treatments. Hence it is recommended that Fine cut variety is best suited to cultivate in the arid region of Makhdum Rasheed, Punjab ? Pakistan with the irrigation interval of 10 days. Too early or late water application will be a wasteful and uneconomical practice.

pp. 13 - 21