From the point of view of the businesses, one of the biggest impact of the globalization is undoubtedly the increased competition environment. The businesses trying to keep up with the competition environment in the market, resort to many ways in order to be preferred by the consumers and overtower their opponents. Many factors have influence on consumers? choices. These range from social factors like culture, subculture, reference groups, family and psychologic factors like motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and personality to personal factors like age, sex and income level. The process of consumer?s purchasing decision is interrelatedly and successively includes occurrence of the demand, selection, and buying and consuming processes. In this process marketing employees think about pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase activities which are the most basic steps. When the particular issue of advertisements is taken into consideration, marketing employees suggest purchasing to the consumers and bring out demands, direct them using the products/services by the decisions and verbal expressions in their advertisements and try to secure the purchasing by making choices. However, consumers' demographic preferences differentiate how to design the advertisements, which tool and style to use while creating them. In the study it is aimed to determine the effect of the final consumers' educational stasuses on their opinions about the advertisements by determining how important and forefront their educational levels are in determining their purchasing decisions. In line with this purpose, an aerial survey had been conducted in the TRNC's Nicosia, Famagusta and Kyrenia districts through face to face interviews. The research data was obtained by the help of a scale which had been tested by reliability and validity analyzes and developer by the researchers themselves in accordance with their own literature and the previous researches.