India is the biggest democratic and 10th, largesteconomy in the world, even though standing 2nd position in theglobal population and 70% of GDP is coming from urbanareas, hence the Indian cities are prime concern for the nationdevelopment. In the quest for better quality of life and livingstandards, people living in rural areas are expected to move tourban locales. As this trend continues, more than half ofworldâ??s population is expected to make cities their place ofdwelling. To meet this massive influx of rural masses intourban areas, the cities world over need to equip themselveswith robust infrastructure. Based on these requirements, a hostof applications like, smart power generation & distribution,smart traffic management, smart waste management &utilization, smart governance, etc., are being developed. Thepaper discusses few research issues and challenges related tothe development of IT infrastructure for smart cities. Researchefforts in this direction, however, appear to be applicationcentric.