The purpose of this article was to understand how the theoretical assumptions of the micro analytical level of New Institutional Economics (NIE), encompassing the Resource-Based View (RBV), the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE), and associated to the Economic Costs Measurement (ECM), might influence the choice of governance structures of companies. The method used was a literature review and descriptive research. Parallel to these theories, the RBV approach was chosen in order to discuss the relationship with the boundaries of the firm, and to identify the complementary aspects between these theoretical issues. The results showed that, when these approaches are considered together, it is evident that the possession and maintenance of strategic resources (VBR) characterizes property rights that need to be protected by legal mechanisms (ECT and ECM), able to minimize their loss of value, and secure property rights. Ultimately, the sustainability of a competitive advantage will be through structures that consider the presence of specific assets (ECT), measurability (ECM), and condition for competitiveness (VBR).