The subject of the article is information technology to support the process of investing in real estate projects. Real estate projects need to find sources and forms of investment that would ensure a balance between project costs and financial resources. Crowdfunding is seen as an innovative way of financing. The purpose of this work is to create a crowdfunding platform focused on attracting new investors to support real estate projects. The following tasks are solved: research of functional possibilities of existing crowdfunding platforms; development and configuration of expansion modules for the selected framework; development of the interface of the financial manager of the project with real estate. Research methods: system analysis, financial management methods, information technologies of site development. The following results were obtained: The characteristic features of crowdfunding, which make it an effective way of financing projects, were analyzed. The popular crowdfunding platforms are analyzed today, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. As a result, the basic requirements for a crowdfunding real estate investment platform have been identified. Based on the conceptual model of the web platform interface, the main functionalities are highlighted, the scenario of user interaction is described and the database is designed. Necessary modules of the internal wallet system and project system have been developed. It should be noted that the internal wallet system allows you to contribute to projects and control profits. Also, in addition to the main modules, a module for blogging and user registration with e-mail confirmation was integrated and configured. Conclusions: It is necessary to take into account the interests of stakeholders who provide funds for the project, which forms their motivation to invest. Information support for crowdfunding investment projects increases the efficiency of project portfolio management, allows the financial manager to publish projects and raise funds for financing from registered investors with the subsequent payment of interest on profits.