Environmental scanning for business planning a total (holistic) approach is necessary

C. H. Boshoff    


AbstractTraditionally environmental scanning for purposes of business planning was done in a compartementalized way in the sense that each influence was studied under the assumption that all other influences would remain constant. In a dynamic society where environmental change takes place at an accelerated pace, a total (integrated or holistic) approach to environmental scanning as the basis for business planning becomes necessary. This need will be demonstrated by way of examples in this paper in a twofold way. First, that the accelerated pace of change in the environmental influences is such that their implications for business planning can change even in the short run. Secondly, that the resultant cross impact of these changes invalidates the continuation of the trend-line approach as far as the result of the environmental influences on business planning is concerned.Tradisioneel was omgewingsverkenning as basis vir besigheidsbeplanning gekompartementaliseerd gedoen deurdat elke invloed bestudeer is onder die aanname dat alle ander invloede as konstantes beskou kan word. In 'n dinamiese gemeenskap waarin die pas van omgewingsveranderinge almeer versnel, is 'n totale (geintegreerde of holistiese) benadering in die verband essensieel as basis vir besigheidsbeplanning. Hierdie behoefte word op tweerlei wyse met behulp van voorbeelde in hierdie artikel geillustreer. Eerstens, dat die versnelde tempo van verandering in omgewingsinvloede sodanig is dat dit selfs oor die kort termyn veranderde implikasies vir besigheidsbeplanning kan he. Tweedens, dat die gevolglike kruisimpak tussen omgewingsinvloede in die proses van verandering se invloed op beplanning selde as 'n voortsetting van die historiese neigingslyn geneem kan word.

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