Market-Oriented Projects: Analysis in an Information Technology Cluster

José Edson Lara    
Ronaldo Lamounier Locatelli    
Marcia Valéria Cota Machado    
Caissa Veloso e Sousa    


This article introduces and analyzes the result of research addressing the business performance of the Local Productive Arrangement of Information Technology RMBH-MG. The theoretical model of reference for the quantitative research was the Market Orientation, or Markor scale, proposed by Kohli, Jaworski (1993). 83 entrepreneurs, out of a total of 142 of the sector, as well as 04 leading business entities were investigated. The study shows that the technical support in the development of micro and small enterprises provided by SEBRAE generated better level of satisfaction in the construct "generation of intelligence" and the "reply to", in relation to "construct" dissemination of intelligence ". The construct "response to the market of the companies met" presented higher performance than the construct "dissemination of technological information". The project as a whole was well rated by entrepreneurs. Nomologicamente the theoretical model explains satisfactorily the project performance.

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