The objective of this study is to ex?mine the imp?ct of profit?bility ?nd feminism of bo?rd of directors on corpor?te sust?in?bility perform?nce. This study ?lso investig?tes the role of independent bo?rd in moder?ting the rel?tionship between profit?bility ?nd feminism of bo?rd of directors on corpor?te sust?in?bility perform?nce. The ?n?lysis of this study use moder?ted regression ?n?lysis with b?l?nced p?nel d?t?. The s?mple consists of 51 firms, b?sed on purposive s?mpling method. The results find th?t profit?bility ?nd feminism of bo?rd of directors h?ve neg?tive effect on corpor?te sust?in?bility perform?nce. The result ?lso shows th?t independent bo?rd moder?tes the rel?tionship between profit?bility ?nd feminism of bo?rd of directors on corpor?te sust?in?bility perform?nce.