Impact of the monetary policy decisions of the FED on Colombian economic indicators during the period 2007-2015

Alberto Parra Barrios    


This paper analyzes the impact of the Federal Reserve?s monetary policy in the United States during the period 2007-2015 on three Colombian economic indicators: the representative market rate (TRM), the COLCAP Index, and fixed income securities (TES) with a coupon rate of 11 % per annum. It also looks at EDF announcements one year before the crisis, during the implementation of the program between 2008 and 2014, and one year after the end of the program, when it is decided that monetary policy will be tightened in December 2015. The article starts with an overview of the outstanding causes of the crisis, reviews the main research carried out on the subject?highlighting the impact on financial assets in different economies?, and it finally explains the event methodology applied with an EGARCH model in the analysis results. The study concludes that announcements on the EDF?s monetary policy in the established period of analysis significantly impacted the COLCAP and TRM indicators in windows of 3, 5, and 7 days, in 87 % of the cases. The 11 % TES coupon variable did not allow to be analyzed as explained in the final conclusions