Olena Cherniak    
Nataliia Sorocolat    
Iryna Kanytska    


The subject of research in the article is a method for determining a complex quality indicator of qualimetry objects that have quality indicators with different units of measurement. The purpose of the work is proposing a method for determining a complex quality indicator of multicriteria objects of qualimetry, using integration methods. The article solves the following task: to investigate the possibility of assessing the quality of qualimetry objects by graph analytical method, ie to apply the principle of determining the area and volume under curved surfaces both on the plane and in space, created by combining estimates of unit quality indicators on dimensionless scale. The following methods are used: mathematical statistics; qualimetry. The following results were obtained: the analysis of scientific literature on quality assessment of qualimetry objects in terms of existing mathematical relationships between the measured quality indicators and their assessment on a dimensionless scale was carried out. It was shown that, as a rule, mathematical dependences are nonlinear and their research is reduced to the development of universal methods that could be applied to objects of qualimetry, regardless of their nature, complexity, importance, etc. Research that involves nonlinear relationships between measured quality scores and their estimates on a dimensionless scale should be based on quality ideology and have a physical explanation. Having single quality indicators in a single (dimensionless) rating scale, it is proposed to determine a single comprehensive quality indicator of the object of qualimetry using integration methods. It is proposed to find the area under the broken curve, which is built as a result of combining estimates of quality indicators on a dimensionless scale over a period of observations. Since the calculation of definite integrals by the Newton-Leibniz formula is not always possible, to solve practical problems, it is enough to know the approximate value of a certain integral with a given degree of accuracy, so it is proposed to use methods of numerical integration, methods: rectangles and trapezoids. A method for determining a generalized indicator of the quality of the object of qualimetry, which can be considered universal, as it can be used for multi-criteria assessment of the quality of objects of qualimetry of different nature. Conclusions: To determine the complex quality indicator of multicriteria qualimetry objects, it is proposed to apply integration by the method of average rectangles. The method of definition of a complex indicator of quality of object of qualimetry with application of integration which considers receipt of estimations of unit indicators of quality is proposed.