Free enterprise in South Africa and academic responsibility

Geert L. De Wet    


AbstractAlthough few people may realize it, the free enterprise system occupies a front line position in the onslaught against South Africa. It is therefore important that we are aware of the advantages as well as the disadvantages of the system in order that we do not cherish expectations which cannot materialize. The free enterprise system achieves the best results, from the point of view of efficiency, but it does have shortcomings as well. The advantages of free enterprise for South Africa must be sought far beyond the traditional arguments and relate, in fact, to a community's view of life itself. The discipline of free enterprise nurtures tolerance towards one's competition and it supplies the people with personal property which they will be prepared to defend. An important characteristic of the system of free enterprise is the fact that it teaches people to outwit their competitors intellectually instead of physical removal. This helps to create a community in which one may live an ordered life in safety.Alhoewel min mense dit miskien so insien, beklee die stelsel van vrye onderneming 'n sentrale posisie in die aanslag teen Suid-Afrika. Dit is daarom belangrik dat ons bewus is van die voor- sowel as die nadele van die stelsel, sodat ons nie verwagtinge koester wat nie vervul kan word nie. Alhoewel dit wil voorkom of vrye onderneming uit 'n doeltreffendheidsoogpunt die beste resultate lewer, is dit ook aan sekere tekortkominge onderhewig. Die voordele van vrye onderneming in Suid-Afrika, moet anderkant die tradisionele argumente gesoek word, aangesien dit 'n gemeenskap se hele lewenstyl raak. Die dissipline van vrye onderneming skep verdraagsaamheid teenoor jou teenstanders en dit verskaf aan mense persoonlike eiendom wat hulle bereid sal wees om te verdedig. 'n Besondere voordeel is die feit dat dit mense leer om hul teenstanders met intellek te uitoorle, eerder as om hulle fisies uit die weg te ruim. Dit dra by tot die skepping van 'n ordelike en veilige gemeenskap.

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