Public policies assessment: construction of knowledge-based international literature

Marcelo Medeiros da Rosa    
Sandra Rolim Ensslin    
Sérgio Murilo Petri    
Leonardo Ensslin    


This research aims to identify the international scientific literature on the topic Public Policy Performance Assessment, enabling the construction of knowledge in research and identifying gaps for future research. For this, the present qualitative research used the ProKnow-C tool for selection and analysis of the characteristics defined by the authors. Based on 31 articles of the Portfolio, we could identify the journals Public Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Public Administration, and Australian Journal of Public Administration as the most relevant works by the number of publications. From the 59 authors, two have two publications each: Carolyn J. Heinrich and Donald P. Moynihan . The Agency theory was the most used by the authors as basis of Performance Evaluation. The studies used the Public Policy Performance Assessment to analyze compliance of the indicators and process goals. We identified little occurrence of gaps of research that focus on the theory of stakeholders and surveys measuring the impact and effectiveness of public policies. Based on the results, we suggest the extension of studies that aim all stakeholders and impact assessment of public policies in order to improve the research related to the Public Policy Assessment, with a goal of proposing improvements for governmental actions.

pp. 110 - 130