Adoption of social media amongst health care organizations is thriving. Healthcare providers havebegun to connect with patients via social media. While some healthcare organizations have taken theinitiative, numerous others are attempting to comprehend this new medium of opportunity. Theseorganizations are finding that social networking can be an effective way to monitor brand, connectingwith patients, community, and patient education and acquiring new talent.This study is conducted to identify the purpose of using social media, concerns, policy and itsimplementation and the overall experience of healthcare organizations with social media. To collectfirst hand data, online questionnaire was sent via LinkedIn to 400 US healthcare organizations andrepresentatives out of which 117 responded and were taken further for analsysis.The results of this study confirm the thriving adoption, increased opportunities and cautious use of social media by healthcare organizations. The potential benefits present outweigh the risk andconcerns associated with it. Study concluded that social media presence will continue to grow into the future and the field of healthcare is no exception.