An experiment on the behavior of two types of circular reinforced concrete pipes under three-edge-bearing test is analyzed and discussed. Current study compares the strength of spigot-pocket (SPP) and ogee joint pipes (OJP). In the experimental analyses thirty-two pipes, nominal diameter 800 and 1200 mm, divided into two series of 16 pipes each, were tested. Each series was composed of 12 spigot-pocket pipes (SPP) and 4 ogee joint pipes (OJP). Experimental results of the loading versus displacement curves indicated that pipes behave similarly to a circular ring, since the OJP presented maximum loads 12 and 4% higher than those obtained for SPP respectively for nominal diameters 800 and 1200 mm. Pocket influenced load cracking, with 6.4 and 33% higher for SPP when compared to OJP for nominal diameters 800 and 1200 mm, respectively. Further, the presence of the pocket increased the pipés stiffness.