There is great number of e-learning toolsavailable to support teaching and learning in differentkinds of educational institutions and vocational studycenters. These tools are available to support and provideeasy, affordable and convenient means of learning todifferent students of varying categories in differentenvironment. Considering the economic and personalbenefits of e-learning tool, there is still a great number ofproblems and challenges facing the implementation of elearningin different institutions and the implementers ofe-learning facility should appreciate the general andpeculiar problems of adopting a suitable e-learning toolwith a view to minimizing if not eliminating the problemsand challenges. The paper reviewed some e-learning toolswith a view to identifying advantages and disadvantages ofeach of the selected tools and the authors view on each wasprovided to guide the current and prospective users of elearningtools. Suggestions and recommendations weremade to guide the school administrators, e-learning users,policy makers and regulators in order to effectivelyachieve the efficient and effective use of the tools fordesired learning outcome.