Human resource development is a relatively new area of professional practice ?and ?academic study. Over the past two decades, human resource development has become ?the ?fastest growing area of management development, due to the great interest of ?organizations ?in the face of intense competition and changes in the business ?environment. Despite this ?significance of HRD but, there is a lack of empirical ?researches or studies have specifically ?dealt with examining how HRD practices effect on ?organizational effectiveness practically, in ?universities and institute level. This study ?tries to address this gap. The main purpose of ?this study is to investigate the ?relationships between the practices of human ?resource ?development and organizational ?effectiveness in the Iraqi public universities context. ?This ?study adopted the survey ?method to collect primary data. The survey was created by ?the google-forms tool, which ?is commonly used by researchers for ?collecting data. The web-based questionnaires were ?distributed through E-mail? designed to collect the relevant data ?from the public ?universities of Iraq including a number of deans, heads of departments, ?faculty members ?and principals of the execution units which seems to provide a ?corresponding sample for ?conducting data collecting and analyzing. An online questionnaire ?was ?distributed to ?around 342 employees, out of which 215 complete questionnaires were ?obtained. ?For ?analyzing the data, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation ?modeling ??(SEM) ?were used. This study finds that HRD practices such as talent ?development, ?training and ?development, organizational development and career ?development have a ?positive and significant ?impact on organizational effectiveness. This ?study has confirmed ?the significance of HRD practices and ?how they are positively related ?to organizational ?effectiveness. The results of this study have ?the potential to help the ?decision ?makers of ?universities to develop effective HRD practices which ?will enable them to ??improve ?employees? competencies in ?enhancing organizational ?effectiveness. ? Also, this ?study ??recommends universities? managers to use effective HRD practices which are aimed ?at ?building ? excellent employees? competencies and increase the integration between ??human resource ?development and organizational ?effectiveness. ?