At this time for taking on the water dispenser is still done manually. It is considered less profitable, and often the people forget to turn off the faucet while the water in the cup dispenser is full. So, that the case of water wasted and indirectly will result in waste water . If this continues to happen then it could be considered less effective and efficient . Overall this tool is divided into a series of blocks , namely input , unit processes , and output. Input consists of a load sensor ( FSR ) it as giving orders to the unit processes to be processed by the processing unit and forwarded to the output block. And which acts as a unit process is Microcontroller ATMEGA 16. Block Output in the form of solenoid valves that work opens the solenoid valve automatically so that water on the dispenser can flow meet glasses and stop the flow of water dispenser automatically after a full glass .Keywords: Automatic, dispenser, Microcontroller ATMEGA16