Studying the Interdisciplinary Terminological Landscape of Digital Economy with the Use of Contextual Analysis Tools

O. V. Kononova    
S. Kh. Lyapin    
D. E. Prokudin    


 Interdisciplinary research directions are one of the main drivers of both social development and one of the main directions of transformation of scientific research focused on this development. The dynamics of the development of interdisciplinary research areas (for example, the digital economy: e-government and smart technologies; socio-ethical aspects of the digital economy: gamification in the social, scientific and educational spheres; Informatization of scientific activities) in the digital age is associated with the development of information society technologies. Also, technologies are one of the main tools that allow to quickly and efficiently conduct research on the dynamics of this development. The research is carried out on the arrays of information obtained from various digital sources, reflecting both the latest scientific publications and containing the content of social and political discourse (for example, publications in the media).This study shows the possibility of using the developed synthetic method to solve the problems of selection of digital information resources, extraction of contextual knowledge from them and its analysis to clarify the terminological landscape of the emerging interdisciplinary scientific direction "Digital economy: e-government and smart technologies". The distributed Russian-language environment for scientific research T-Libra is used as a tool for data search, explication and analysis.