Objective of the study: The agility causes structural changes in companies, such as: in the organizational culture, in the way people think, in the processes, roles, responsibilities and behaviors. For this process, we call it agile transformation, which has become the target of more and more companies in the last 20 years with the promise of achieving many benefits.Originality/Relevance: The speed with which things change requires companies to change their course quickly. Therefore, being agile has become a crucial condition for the survival of companies today.Social/management contributions: Some difficulties experienced during the agile transformation, make the companies not reach the full agility, getting lost in the middle of the way, reaching an ambiguous form of the agile. They do not return to their previous management model, but neither do they become 100% agile. We call this phenomenon Fake Agile and this is the topic we will talk about in this perspective.