In article issues of application of methods of the functional analysis of data are discussed during the work with information systems. As an example tool opportunities of the program complex "Advanced Tester" reveal in the analysis of system data. The main attention is paid to essence of use of compliance of Galois together with other methods of the functional analysis. Complex use of compliance of Galois, invariants of the theory of counts and mathematical apparatus of implicative matrixes is considered. The author has described essence of this approach at creation of individual trajectories of training in the program environment "Advanced Tester". Particular importance is attached to the analysis of elements of the individual graph models associated with components of a training material. Namely, latent structural and substantial communications of components of a training material come to light by means of Galois's compliance. Features of studying of interrelations between elements of graph model on the basis of data of use of compliance of Galois are considered. Indicators of assessment of the count on the basis of his invariant numerical characteristics are investigated. Options of the automated generation of individual tests for further training by means of a mathematical apparatus of implicative matrixes are analyzed. The natural multidimensional nature of structure of implicative matrixes in the environment of the program complex "Advanced Tester" reveals. The relevance of article is connected with growth of interest in a problem of interpretation of semantic interrelations of structural elements at support of information systems on the basis of mathematical methods of the functional analysis of data.