This study explores the influence of executive e-government leadership, management capacity, and management for results on employees? perceptions of electronicgovernment performance in a local district in the Seoul Metropolitan Government, South Korea. The key finding from this study is that executive e-government leadership, management for results, IT capacity, and employee commitment are all important factors affecting employee perceptions of local e-government performance. The mayor?s e-government leadership in terms of communicating a clear vision for egovernment innovation and IT capacity are positively associated with employees? perceptions of e-government service quality, transparency, and cost-efficiency. This study also found that employees? identification commitment with the organization is positively associated with their perceptions of e-government service quality and transparency. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that management for results is the most significant factor affecting the perceived performance of egovernment. Lessons and implications of this study for future studies of e-government performance are presented.