Stanislav Velykodniy    


The subject of the work are design coefficients that are introduced into the reengineering model of a software system. The goal of the work. Form a method for presenting a project assessment of software system reengineering, according to which a final decision is made about the feasibility of reengineering. One of the main task of software engineering is the creation of theoretical and applied foundations for the rapid and high-quality construction of complex systems from simpler software elements made in modern programming languages. In fact, this task is solved by collecting, combining or integrating disparate software resources and reusable components, including modules, libraries and software implementations of some complex software system. According to modern world trends of software design: software systems must be continually developing and evolving. The task of the article is to study the influence of project coefficients, which are introduced into the model of the reengineering of a software system, in accordance with the actual statistical data of the actually completed projects on the reengineering of software systems. Method. The article has developed the Boehm?s methodology, the continuation of which is reflected in the formation of analytical models with the proposed changes regarding the flexibility of construction at the stage of pre-project analysis. The design factors are introduced in the model, which are representing an improvement in the representations of project appraisals using the Karner?s design points method and the Jacobson?s constant method with applied additions and extensions. The visualization of the models is based on the methods of constructing the spiral models of Archimedes, the vector representation of Hamilton?s and Mikhailov?s hodographs, and the method of accounting for the planned time is based on the Gantt?s project diagrams. Results. The article obtained a method according to which the previously formed models of software systems reengineering, introduced design coefficients, allowing to increase the accuracy of reengineering estimates, expressed in reducing the average value of the relative error of the actual time of its implementation. Conclusions. Scientific novelties include the following provisions regarding the reengineering of software systems: models of cost visualization were improved by introducing automation coefficients and similarity of components, allowing to make changes in the configuration of the relevant hodographs. Reengineering of software systems will allow: to overcome the contradictions between the pace of development of science, technology and design processes; improve the efficiency of technical support; reduce operating costs.