This paper investigates the influence of relevant factors in determining capital structure with their respective extent. Excluding financial firms, all publicly traded American firms for the period of 1950-2005 are considered as the sample firms. Five fundamental factors that may explain leverage are growth opportunities, tangible assets, firm profit, firm size, and inflation. I use simple linear regression, BIC, and AIC, to identify the reliably consistent influential factors and a model. Using total leverage to market value of asset (TLMA) as my main model for the entire estimation period (1950-2005), I find that tangibility and firm size are significantly and positively related to leverage. The growth opportunities is also positively related to leverage but statistically insignificant. But firm profit has a significant negative relationship with leverage confirming the implication of the pecking order hypothesis.Keywords: static trade-off theory, pecking order theory, market timing theory, signaling theory, agency cost theoryJEL Classifications: G1, G3, G10, G20, G32DOI: