AbstractMany theories to cope with the increasing sophistication and complexity of business organization have been developed. An overview is given of the games theory approach to strategy, the capital investment approach and the product-market approach. The product-market approach is described as a useful management tool since it takes into consideration the ever-changing relationship between the enterprise and its environment, in the analysis of both the present operations of the firm, and its future activities. The enterprise must be seen as an integrated system, and its interactions with the environment planned and implemented in terms of policy commitments or strategic variables that are clearly formulated. This strategic approach to management could promote both the commitment and the competence of the firm's personnel.Verskeie nuwe bestuursteoriee om die toenemende sofistikasie en kompleksiteit van die sake-onderneming te kan behartig, is ontwikkel. 'n Oorsig word gegee van verskillende bestuursbenaderings tot strategie, die gebaseer op spel-teorie, op kapitaal-investering en op produk-markontleding. Die produk-mark benadering word beskryf as 'n nuttige bestuurshulpmiddel wat die steeds veranderende verhouding tussen die onderneming en sy omgewing in die ontleding van sowel die huidige bedrywighede as die toekomstige aktiwiteite van die onderneming in aanmerking neem. Die onderneming moet as 'n geintegreerde sisteem gesien word, en wisselwerking met die omgewing moet beplan en geimplementeer word volgens beleidvasstellings of strategiese veranderlikes wat duidelik geformuleer is. Hierdie strategiese benadering tot bestuur kan sowel die motivering as die prestasie-vermoens van die onderneming se personeel bevorder.