India is a land of agriculture diversity with 66 percent of its population still dependent on agriculture and contributing about 20 percent to the Indian GDP. Value addition of food products is expected to increase from 8 per cent to 35 per cent by 2025. Fresh Fruit and vegetable processing is also expected to increase from the current level of 2 per cent to 25 per cent of total production by 2025. This study is basically a secondary data analysis on certain international production and consumption of fruits and vegetables. The article deals with comparative study of certain select countries with respect to their fruits and vegetable production. The analysis shows that there is overwhelming evidence in support of the hypothesis that the study regions are significantly different in terms of their fruits and vegetable production and consumption but interestingly such differences are not able to help to group the countries with respect to fruits and vegetable production. There is also evidence in support of other hypothesis that the production and export level differences exists towards surplus.