Developing a technique for the removing of a gel layer in the process of membrane treatment of pectin extract

Gregoriy Deynichenko    
Vasyl Guzenko    
Dmytro Dmytrevskyi    
Vitalii Chervonyi    
?leksandr Omelchenko    
Dmytro Horielkov    
Olga Melnik    
Olha Korolenko    


A new technique for removing a gel layer from the membrane surface during the ultrafiltration concentration of pectin extract has been considered. An experimental setup has been designed and a procedure for processing the results of studying the process of the concentration of pectin extracts has been devised, using a technique of removing a gel layer from the membrane surface. The paper reports the results of studying the application of a vibration stirring technique to eliminate the gel layer and its effect on membrane performance. Mathematical models have been built and the modes to perform the process of the ultrafiltration of pectin extract by using vibration stirring have been determined.The graphical dependences of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pectin concentrate (the concentration of pectin substances and dry substances in the concentrate and permeate) have been given that depend on the input parameters of the temperature and pressure of the ultrafiltration concentration process. An analysis of the given characteristics has made it possible to establish the rational input parameters for the process of concentrating pectin extracts. The rational operating parameters of the process of concentrating pectin extracts when using a new technique for eliminating the gel layer are the filtration pressure of 0.4?0.5 MPa, a temperature of 35...45 °?, a duration of 1.5?2.0 hours, and a vibration stirring speed of 1.5?1.7 m/s.This study was performed with the aim of intensifying the membrane concentration of pectin extracts, improving the technical level of the concentration process, and implementing the developed technique under industrial conditions. Based on the research results, the expediency of using a new technique for removing the gel layer has been established. Further implementation of these results in the food and processing industry would make it possible to apply them in the production of a wide range of pectin products