Victoria Shuklina    
Ruslan Naboka    


The subject of the research in the article is the quality criteria and methods of forming the information and communication potential of the enterprise, as well as the processes of its consistent approach to the desired state. The goal is to optimize the composition of the quality criteria for the formation of information and communication potential, determine their compliance with existing methods, taking into account the rapid changes in functioning situations and the need to use algorithms for qualitative improvement of the potential management mechanism. The following tasks are solved in the work: analysis of the prerequisites for updating the quality criteria at the stage of development of the information economy and their grouping at the place of occurrence of quality signs in the process of forming information and communication potential; analytical review of methods of iteration of the cycle of its formation; development of a scheme for a qualitative iteration of the cycle of formation of information and communication potential; identification of conditions for the automation of the process of forming information and communication potential using the advantages of software quality at the stages of its life cycle. To solve these problems, general scientific methods were used: systemic and monographic analysis, synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction, abstraction through iteration. The following results are obtained. The prerequisites for the relevance of quality criteria in the process of formation of information and communication potential are established; groups of quality criteria were identified at the place of occurrence of the signs: quality criteria of the state, criteria for the quality of the conditions, criteria for the quality of the process, quality criteria for the result of the formation of information and communication potential. The advantages of applying the iterative method of forming the information and communication potential of an enterprise, which objectively reflects its spiral cycle, when incomplete completion of work at the stage allows moving to the next without waiting for complete completion at the current one, are identified and justified; with the possibility of passing the missed stage at the next iteration with the possibility of changing the criteria. A generalized model of an iterative algorithm for the formation of information and communication potential is proposed, which allows to qualitatively improving the mechanism of enterprise potential management. It is argued that the quality criteria should be reviewed taking into account corporate interests and the conditions of process automation, using the advantages of software and artificial intelligence. Conclusions: for the current state of information technology and the volume of information and communication resources, the priority of qualitative criteria and an iterative method of forming the information and communication potential of an enterprise are substantiated.