Business network for telecommunication companies: Algar Telecom case

Patricia Viveiros de Castro Krakauer    
Jaércio Alex Silva Barbosa    
Rita de Cácia Rodrigues de Oliveira Knop    


This study turns to the topic of business networking in telecom companies and has as its object of study Algar Telecom,which stands out for being one of the most innovative and profitable companies in the telecommunications industry.Through research we sought to investigate the intensity of the business formed by Algar Telecom network, aiming tounderstanding witch theoretical foundations may apply to the telecommunications sector. Was done a literature reviewcovering topics related to telecommunications and business networking companies, these data formed the foundation forconducting the empirical research. This is an exploratory-descriptive, qualitative research, using the method of singlecase study. The analysis of the case showed that the business network of Algar Telecom has low intensity, with sixtheoretical foundations observed and only 2 at a higher intensity, showing that given the particularities of the sector, notall foundations may apply. This article contributes academically to expand knowledge on the subject and with thepractice of telecommunications companies entered into a volatile and highly competitive environment.

pp. 76 - 89