Digital twins based on the development of BIM technologies, related ontologies, 5G, IoT, and mixed reality for use in infrastructure projects and IFRABIM

Vasily Kupriyanovsky    
Alexander Klimov    
Yuri Voropaev    
Oleg Pokusaev    
Andrey Dobrynin    
Igor Ponkin    
Al?xander Lysogorsky    


This article deals with digital twins and their application in BIM technologies.  Building Information Modeling (BIM) marks a turning point for industries involved in the life cycle, improving collaboration, efficiency, and productivity. This method represents one of the most important revolutions in the digital economy, focusing on the information aspect of each project and helping to improve well-designed object management systems. Digital Twin is a digital copy of a physical object or process that helps optimize business efficiency. The Digital Twin concept is a part of the fourth industrial revolution and is designed to help businesses detect physical problems faster, predict their results more accurately and produce better products. Fundamentally, the digital twin can be defined as an ever-changing digital profile that contains the historical and most relevant data about a physical object or process, thus optimizing business performance without physically interfering with complex processes. This paper discusses in detail the use of digital twins and mixed reality in infrastructure information modeling systems (infraBIM). In particular, the use of infraBIM in railway design is considered in detail.