Inicio  /  Informatics  /  Vol: 8 Par: 2 (2021)  /  Artículo

Defining Valid Activity Monitor Data: A Multimethod Analysis of Weight-Loss Intervention Participants? Barriers to Wear and First 100 Days of Physical Activity

Stephanie L. Orstad    
Lauren Gerchow    
Nikhil R. Patel    
Meghana Reddy    
Christina Hernandez    
Dawn K. Wilson and Melanie Jay    


Despite the popularity of commercially available wearable activity monitors (WAMs), there is a paucity of consistent methodology for analyzing large amounts of accelerometer data from these devices. This multimethod study aimed to inform appropriate Fitbit wear thresholds for physical activity (PA) outcomes assessment in a sample of 616 low-income, majority Latina patients with obesity enrolled in a behavioral weight-loss intervention. Secondly, this study aimed to understand intervention participants? barriers to Fitbit use. We applied a heart rate (HR) criterion (=10 h/day) and a step count (SC) criterion (=1000 steps/day) to 100 days of continuous activity monitor data. We examined the prevalence of valid wear and PA outcomes between analytic subgroups of participants who met the HR criterion, SC criterion, or both. We undertook qualitative analysis of research staff notes and participant interviews to explore barriers to valid Fitbit data collection. Overall, one in three participants did not meet the SC criterion for valid wear in Weeks 1 and 13; however, we found the SC criterion to be more inclusive of participants who did not use a smartphone than the HR criterion. Older age, higher body mass index (BMI), barriers to smartphone use, device storage issues, and negative emotional responses to WAM-based self-monitoring may predict higher proportions of invalid WAM data in weight-loss intervention research.

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