Listening is one of the most difficult language skills among the four communication competences; however, it has received much less time in English learning than the other three (reading, writing, and speaking). Also, listening is often claimed to be a passive skill in the classroom, as learners seem to sit quietly and listen to dialogues. As language teachers, we are constantly striving to create the conditions under which our students can learn and succeed. At the same time, we meet challenges that may be detrimental to the learning process. This certainly applies to mobile phone use on the part of our students. It is a well-known fact that practically every student has at least one mobile device, as it has become a very convenient tool to get information. Unfortunately, students still prefer to use smart devices as entertainment, either to listen to music, watch films, or play computer games; it seems they really do not know how to use them in the process of education. This paper presents a review of how to get over difficulties in listening, and develop listening skills with the help of mobile phones outside the classroom. We have realized that to study English using mobile phones can consolidate our students? understanding of what is being presented, or further contextualize the language to improve their ability to use it in communicative practice. To study English supposes this process to be non-durable, i.e., not only in the classroom under the guidance of the teacher. So, to study with the help of mobile technologies and handheld gadgets is a good opportunity to improve the quality and effectiveness of English learning.