Background: Burnout syndrome can arise due to either situational factors such as working conditions, or dispositional factors such as certain temperaments, like a high sensory processing sensitivity. We aim to address the relative absence of studies on speech-language therapists and seek to determine the role of high sensitivity for these healthcare workers in relation to burnout syndrome. Method: The sample consisted of 602 female speech-language pathologists who anonymously completed a questionnaire measuring burnout (ProQOL 5th edition) and sensory processing sensitivity (HSPS-FR). Results: The results revealed that 77.41% of the participants reported moderate or high burnout scores. Furthermore, the analyses revealed that highly sensitive participants are more vulnerable to burnout than others. Conclusion: This study highlights the negative impact of high sensory processing sensitivity on burnout. However, according to the kind of sensitivity, we discuss the way in which highly sensitive caregivers can master this sensitivity in order to use it as a strength in their professions and to spare themselves from suffering deleterious effects, such as compassion fatigue and/or burnout.