This study aimed to validate the single-phase and two-phase smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) on sloshing in a tank. There have been many studies on sloshing in tanks based on meshless particle methods, but few researchers have used a large number of particles because there is a limitation on the total number of particles when using only CPUs. Additionally, few studies have investigated the influence of air phase on tank sloshing based on two-phase SPH. In this study, a dedicated sloshing experiment was conducted at the National Research Institute of Fishing Engineering using a prismatic tank with a four-degrees-of-freedom forced oscillation machine. Three pressure gauges were used to measure local pressure near the corners of the tank. The sloshing experiment was repeated for two different filling ratios, amplitudes, and frequencies of external oscillation. Next, a GPU-accelerated three-dimensional SPH simulation of sloshing was performed using the same conditions as the experiment with a large number of particles. Lastly, two-dimensional sloshing simulations based on single-phase and two-phase SPH were carried out to determine the importance of the air phase in terms of tank sloshing. Based on systematic comparisons of the single-phase SPH, two-phase SPH, and experimental results, this paper presents a detailed discussion of the role of air-phase in terms of sloshing. The currently achievable accuracy when using SPH is demonstrated together with a few sensitivity analyses of SPH parameters.