According to the Mualem capillary model, hydraulic conductivity (HC) is integrated theoretically from the function related to soil water retention curves (SWRC). On the other hand, based on the smooth type of SWRC, the predicted HC function decreases abruptly near saturation, which often challenges the stability of numerical solutions. To improve the Mualem HC, van Genuchten?s function for SWRC was modified within the range of low matric suction. The van Genuchten-Mualem HC was then modified to integrate the proposed SWRC for each interval decomposed by a tangential curve. The analytical solutions of the modified HC were derived to prevent an abrupt decrease near saturation. The SWRC and HC data were acquired from laboratory tests for unsaturated soils sampled from five areas in Korea. The results of the HC tests were compared with the theoretical HC models using both the van Genuchten SWRCs and the modified curves. For fine grained soils, the modified model predicts a saturated HC at very small suctions. Furthermore, the modified model was shown to accurately predict the unsaturated behavior of the HC functions for Korean weathered soils.