The sugar industry is of great importance to the Thai economy. In general, the government sets sugarcane prices at the beginning of each harvesting season based on type (fresh or fired), sweetness (sugar content) and gross weight. The main aim of the present research is to use optimal control to find optimal sugarcane harvesting policies for fresh and fired sugarcane for the four sugarcane producing regions of Thailand, namely North, Central, East and North-east, for harvesting seasons 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2017/18 and 2018/19. The optimality problem is to determine the harvesting policy which gives maximum profit to the farmers subject to constraints on the maximum amount that can be cut in each day, where a harvesting policy is defined as the amount of each type of sugarcane harvested and delivered to the sugar factories during each day of a harvesting season. The results from the optimal control methods are also compared with results from three optimization methods, namely bi-objective, linear programming and quasi-Newton. The results suggest that discrete optimal control is the most effective of the five methods considered. The data used in this paper were obtained from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives of the Royal Thai government.