3D hydrological modeling was performed, using CATHY (acronym for CATchment HYdrology model), with the basic objective of checking whether the model could reproduce the effects of subsurface agricultural drainage on stream flows and soil water storage. The model was also used to further our understanding of the impact of soil hydrodynamic properties on watershed hydrology. Flows simulated by CATHY were consistent with traditional subsurface drainage approaches and, for wet years, flows at the outlet of the study watershed corroborated well with observed data. Temporal storage variation analyses illustrated that flows depended not only on the amount of rainfall, but also on its distribution throughout the year. Subsurface agricultural drainage increased base and total flows, and decreased peak flows. Hydrograph separation using simulated results indicated that exfiltration was the most dominant process; peak flows were largely characterized by overland flow; and subsurface drain flow variations were low.