Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 9 Par: 21 (2019)  /  Artículo

Optimal Design of Electrothermal Microactuators for Many Criteria by Means of an Immune Game Theory Multiobjective Algorithm

Adam Dlugosz    
Pawel Jarosz and Tomasz Schlieter    


The paper presents the application of the IMGAMO (immune game theory multiobective algorithm) in the optimal design of electrothermal microactuators. Several numerical tests on the mathematical benchmark test functions were performed, showing the superiority of the IMGAMO, when a large number of criteria are considered, in comparison to other multiobjective optimizers. A parametric numerical model of an electrothermal microactuaror was developed and verified. Six functionals, which depend on various thermal and mechanical quantities of the microactuator, were proposed, formulated and numerically implemented. These functionals represent real requirements asked of microactuators. The boundary-value problem of an electro-thermo-mechanical field was solved multiple times during the course of optimization by way of the finite element method (FEM). A numerical example of multiobjective optimization of chevron-type electrothermal actuators is included in the paper. Representation of the multi-dimensional Pareto fronts by means of scatter plot matrices, aided by self-organizing maps (SOMs), is presented. The novel method of selecting interesting, compromise-solutions is proposed and described.

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