In an age overflowing with information, the task of converting unstructured data into structured data are a vital task of great need. Currently, most relation extraction modules are more focused on the extraction of local mention-level relations?usually from short volumes of text. However, in most cases, the most vital and important relations are those that are described in length and detail. In this research, we propose GREG: A Global level Relation Extractor model using knowledge graph embeddings for document-level inputs. The model uses vector representations of mention-level ?local? relation?s to construct knowledge graphs that can represent the input document. The knowledge graph is then used to predict global level relations from documents or large bodies of text. The proposed model is largely divided into two modules which are synchronized during their training. Thus, each of the model?s modules is designed to deal with local relations and global relations separately. This allows the model to avoid the problem of struggling against loss of information due to too much information crunched into smaller sized representations when attempting global level relation extraction. Through evaluation, we have shown that the proposed model yields high performances in both predicting global level relations and local level relations consistently.