Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD) is a key indicator of soil water content changes and is valuable to a variety of applications, such as weather and climate, natural disasters, agricultural water management, etc. Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is a dedicated mission focused on soil moisture retrieval and can be utilized for SMD estimation. In this study, the use of soil moisture derived from SMOS has been provided for the estimation of SMD at a catchment scale. Several approaches for the estimation of SMD are implemented herein, using algorithms such as Random Forests (RF) and Genetic Algorithms coupled with Least Trimmed Squares (GALTS) regression. The results show that for SMD estimation, the RF algorithm performed best as compared to the GALTS, with Root Mean Square Errors (RMSEs) of 0.021 and 0.024, respectively. All in all, our study findings can provide important assistance towards developing the accuracy and applicability of remote sensing-based products for operational use.