The body shapes of aquatic animals can ensure a laminar flow without boundary layer separation at rather high Reynolds numbers. The commercial efficiencies (drag-to-weight ratio) of similar hulls were estimated. The examples of neutrally buoyant vehicles of high commercial efficiency were proposed. It was shown that such hulls can be effectively used both in water and air. In particular, their application for SWATH (Small Water Area Twin Hulls) vehicles is discussed. In particular, the seakeeping characteristics of such ships can be improved due to the use of underwater hulls. In addition, the special shaping of these hulls allows the reducing of total drag, as well as the energetic needs and pollution. The presented estimations show that a weight-to-drag ratio of 165 can be achieved for a yacht with such specially shaped underwater hulls. Thus, a yacht with improved underwater hulls can use electrical engines only, and solar cells to charge the batteries.