Climate change makes the climate system of a given region unpredictable and increases the risk of water-related problems. GCMs (global climate models) help in understanding future climate conditions over a given region. In this study, 12 GCMs from the CMIP6 (coupled model intercomparison project six) were evaluated and ranked based on their abilities to describe the historical observed series. The ensemble mean of bias-adjusted best five models of average annual precipitation showed an increment with an uncertainty range of (2.0?11.9) and change in the mean of 6.4% for SSP2-4.5 and (6.1?16.1) 10.6% for SSP5-8.5 in 2040?2069 relative to the historical period. Similarly, for 2070?2099, increments of (2.2?15.0) 7.9% and (11.8?29.4) 19.7% were predicted for the two scenarios, respectively. The average annual maximum temperature series showed increments of (1.3?2.0) 1.6 °C for SSP2-4.5 and (1.7?2.3) 2.0 °C for SSP5-8.5 in 2040?2069. At the same time, increments of (1.7?2.3) 2.0 °C and (2.8?3.2) 3.0 °C were predicted for 2070?2099. Furthermore, it was predicted that the average annual minimum temperature series will have increments of (1.6?2.3) 2.0 °C and (2.2?2.9) 2.5 °C for 2040?2069 and (2.1?2.7) 2.4 °C and (3.7?4.2) 4.0 °C for 2070?2099 for the two scenarios, respectively. An increase in precipitation with increased land degradation in the sub-basin results in a higher risk of flood events in the future. Improved soil and water conservation practices may minimize the adverse impacts of future climate change on the loss of agricultural productivity.