Aesthetic value is an important factor that should be considered in lake environments. However, there is a lack of research examining and undertaking investigation of the aesthetic value of multifunctional lake ecosystems. There are two major purposes for this study: (1) to define and investigate the important perceived attributes related to the aesthetic value of multifunctional lakes using a video-questionnaire method and (2) to provide some suggestions for the further development of a visual quality index facilitating decision making in management and policies. An enhanced visual quality method was used in this study to record the conditions of the multifunctional lakes in each location in the study area. The findings of the study defined water color and clarity, percentage of water hyacinth, types of debris, percentage of debris, and facilities and land values as the important attributes related to aesthetic value in multifunctional lakes. In summary, the perceived attributes in the visual ecology criteria indicated more significant relationships with the functional morphology criteria than the financial profitability criteria. The results showed that the video-questionnaire method used in this study is efficient, easy to use, and understandable in terms of identifying and measuring aesthetic value in relation to perceptions of perceived attributes.