Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 13 Par: 23 (2023)  /  Artículo

Experimental Investigation of Column Separation Using Rapid Closure of an Upstream Valve

Huan Wang    
Ling Zhou and Deyou Liu    


In this study, the phenomenon of column separation that occurs in the downstream pipeline of a rapid closure valve is experimentally investigated. Special attention is paid to the dynamic behavior of the formation, growth, and collapse processes of cavities, which are observed using a high-speed camera. Synchronized images of cavity patterns and measured pressure histories are analyzed to elucidate the process of water column separation, the mechanism of column separation events, and the influence of parameters on the transient flow. Experimental results indicate that during the collapse process of vapor cavities, a superposition phenomenon involving a positive pressure wave and collapse wave occurs, resulting in a nearly three times rise of Joukowsky pressure. In all test cases, the maximum pressure of the pipeline exceeded 150 times the reservoir static pressure. A new classification for a water hammer combined with cavitation (four types of pressure oscillation patterns) is proposed based on whether the duration of column separation decreases sequentially and the maximum pipeline pressure follows the first collapse of cavities at the valve. As the initial flow velocity increases, there is generally an increase in maximum pressure; however, this trend may be scattered under certain operation conditions.

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