This study examines the process of creating successful, engaging, interactive, and activity-based online educational materials, while taking the cognitive aspects of learners into account. The quality of online educational materials has become increasingly important in the recent period, and it is crucial that content is created that allows our students to learn effectively and enjoyably. In this paper, we present the milestones of curriculum creation and the resulting model, the criteria of selecting online learning environments, technical requirements, and the content of educational videos, interactive contents, and other methodological solutions. In addition, we also introduce some principles of instructional design, as well as a self-developed model that can be used to create effective online learning materials and online courses. There was a need for a self-developed, milestone-based, practice-oriented model because the models examined so far were too general and inadequate to meet the needs of a decentralized developer team, who work on different schedules, with significant geographical distances between them and do not place enough emphasis on taking cognitive factors into account. In these processes, special attention should be paid to having a clear and user-friendly interface, support for individual learning styles, effective multimedia, ongoing assistance and tracking of students? progress, as well as interactivity and responsive appearance.