Collaborative filtering (CF) is a widely used method in recommendation systems. Linear models are still the mainstream of collaborative filtering research methods, but non-linear probabilistic models are beyond the limit of linear model capacity. For example, variational autoencoders (VAEs) have been extensively used in CF, and have achieved excellent results. Aiming at the problem of the prior distribution for the latent codes of VAEs in traditional CF is too simple, which makes the implicit variable representations of users and items too poor. This paper proposes a variational autoencoder that uses a Gaussian mixture model for latent factors distribution for CF, GVAE-CF. On this basis, an optimization function suitable for GVAE-CF is proposed. In our experimental evaluation, we show that the recommendation performance of GVAE-CF outperforms the previously proposed VAE-based models on several popular benchmark datasets in terms of recall and normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG), thus proving the effectiveness of the algorithm.