We propose a multi-temporal-scale analysis of ground deformation data using both high-rate tilt and GNSS measurements and the DInSAR and daily GNSS solutions in order to investigate a sequence of four paroxysmal episodes of the Voragine crater occurring in December 2015 at Mt. Etna (Italy). The analysis aimed at inferring the magma sources feeding a sequence of very violent eruptions, in order to understand the dynamics and to image the shallow feeding system of the volcano that enabled such a rapid magma accumulation and discharge. The high-rate data allowed us to constrain the sources responsible for the fast and violent dynamics of each paroxysm, while the cumulated deformation measured by DInSAR and daily GNSS solutions, over a period of 12 days encompassing the entire eruptive sequence, also showed the deeper part of the source involved in the considered period, where magma was stored. We defined the dynamics and rates of the magma transfer, with a middle-depth storage of gas-rich magma that charges, more or less continuously, a shallower level where magma stops temporarily, accumulating pressure due to the gas exsolution. This machine-gun-like mechanism could represent a general conceptual model for similar events at Etna and at all volcanoes.