Durability of Structural Lightweight Concrete Containing Different Types of Natural or Artificial Lightweight Aggregates

Efstratios Badogiannis    
Maria Stratoura    
Konstantinos Aspiotis and Alexandros Chatzopoulos    


Different structural lightweight concrete mixtures of specific density and strength classes were produced by using various lightweight aggregates (LWAs) such as pumice, perlite, and rice husk ash. Their properties were evaluated in fresh and hardened states with regards to compressive strength and durability parameters such as water absorption (open porosity and capillary absorption), chloride?s penetration resistance, and carbonation depth. According to the results, most LWA concrete mixtures performed satisfactorily in terms of the designed strength and density and they could be used as structural LWA concrete mixtures. As far as the durability of LWA concrete was concerned, open porosity and resistance to the carbonation of LWA concrete were burdened with the porous nature of LWAs, while sorptivity in some mixtures and especially chlorides? penetration resistance in all mixtures were reported to be significantly improved. The overall strength and durability performance of the designed LWA concrete mixtures could mitigate the concerns stemming from its vulnerability to extreme exposure conditions.