Inicio  /  Applied Sciences  /  Vol: 10 Par: 1 (2020)  /  Artículo

A Time Correlation Based Clustering Method for a Design of a Transformable Product

Jinpu Zhang    
Guozhong Cao    
Qingjin Peng    
Runhua Tan    
Huangao Zhang and Wei Liu    


A single-function product cannot meet various needs of different users when the product user or use environment changes. A transformable product with multiple functions can meet different needs of users. It is critical to determine product functions that a transformable product should have in the product design. However, it is a challenge to decide required functional components of a transformable product in the design process. A clustering method is proposed in this paper using undirected graphs for segmentations of needs in the time dimension. A need-based function model is built to form product function chains based on cost of the function transition distance between different function chains. Undirected graphs of the function chains are constructed according to the similarity of product functions. The interrelated subgraphs are then used to form multiple functions of a transformable product based on segmentations. A wheelchair is developed as an example to verify the proposed method. The method improves the design process of transformable products accurately and effectively.

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