Vaclav Skala
Image processing techniques are based nearly exclusively on RGB (red?green?blue) representation, which is significantly influenced by technological issues. The RGB triplet represents a mixture of the wavelength, saturation, and lightness values of light....
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Steven Guan, Ko-Tsung Hsu and Parag V. Chitnis
Simulation tools for photoacoustic wave propagation have played a key role in advancing photoacoustic imaging by providing quantitative and qualitative insights into parameters affecting image quality. Classical methods for numerically solving the photoa...
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Mateusz Dziubek, Jacek Rysinski and Daniel Jancarczyk
Automated monitoring of cutting tool wear is of paramount importance in the manufacturing industry, as it directly impacts production efficiency and product quality. Traditional manual inspection methods are time-consuming and prone to human error, neces...
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Ahmad Ali Imran Mohd Ali, Shahrizan Jamaludin, Md Mahadi Hasan Imran, Ahmad Faisal Mohamad Ayob, Sayyid Zainal Abidin Syed Ahmad, Mohd Faizal Ali Akhbar, Mohammed Ismail Russtam Suhrab and Mohamad Riduan Ramli
Corrosion is an undesirable phenomenon resulting in material deterioration and degradation through electrochemical or chemical reactions with the surrounding environment. Additionally, corrosion presents considerable threats in both the short and long te...
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Oscar Ondeng, Heywood Ouma and Peter Akuon
Visual understanding is a research area that bridges the gap between computer vision and natural language processing. Image captioning is a visual understanding task in which natural language descriptions of images are automatically generated using visio...
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