Mustafa Gömleksiz, Ahmet Sahbaz and Birol Mercan
Khoir Akfini Didia
Pág. 101 - 108
Permasalahan pembangunan yang ada di Indonesia dari waktu ke waktu adalah ketimpangan pembangunan sebagai akibat dari adanya kegagalan sistem sentralistik yang menyebabkan semakin melebarnya kesenjangan antara yang kaya dengan yang miskin, ketimpangan an...
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Nicola Pontarollo
Pág. 1 - 27
The aim of our analysis is the evaluation of the total and sectoral convergence of labour productivity between 896 NUTS-3 regions of EU-12 over the period 1980-2010. We adopt a ß- and s-convergence approach along with a methodology based on Getis? spatia...
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Martin Pontuschka,Marcelo Scherer Perlin
Pág. 353?374
In this article we seek to verify the dynamics of financial integration between the Brazilian and the Argentinian stock index. We estimate a state space model by Kalman filter, which allowed the observation of the dynamics of the financial integration ov...
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Faik Bilgili
Pág. 933 - 941
This paper explores relative price convergence for 18 cities in Turkey. The convergence implies stationarity in the long run. Henceforth, to observe whether price convergence occurs or not, this study conducts unit root tests following Lee and Strazicich...
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